Hi, I’m Katrina
I support women who expected one thing and got another.
Being a parent presents its own struggles and challenges, and when you add a child who is neurodiverse to the equation, we as mothers need to find within us the grace, courage and ability to embrace and step up to the new reality of our lives.
To be able to accomplish this the most important relationship of all is the one we have with ourselves. When we nurture our mind, body and spirit we are better equipped to give to our family.
When you come to me for Parent Coaching, we will spend time talking about YOU. We cannot give to others when we have nothing left inside to give. When our resources have been depleted we simply cannot be the mother we want and need to be.
Katrina is also the coach behind Stress Free Super Mum who is here to help you get from overwhelm to organised.
I see you & I know what it’s like!
Receiving a neurodiverse diagnosis for your child or even just suspecting in your gut, your heart, that something is not quite typical can be a staggering blow.
You then start on a journey, of what seems to be a lonely and exhausting one, of appointments with Doctors, Specialists, Consultants and that is even before you start the research on schools and any accommodations they can offer for your child.
About Me
I have studied both psychology and counselling and been awarded a Bachelor of Business and Graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations, graduating with honours. I have spent over 20 years performing different roles for Qantas Airways including management, training and facilitating.
All of the events in my life, my challenges, my own heartbreak have all been steering me in one direction and that is to serve, to give back, to use my knowledge and my lessons on this journey of raising a 2E son to support other mothers through the journey and take away some of that burden and overwhelm.
This is a space that is not serviced well and as a mother I just wanted someone to be there and to say with honesty and integrity “I get you, I’ve been there, now let’s move you forward through this journey together”.
Connect with me on Social Media

My Story
In 2007, after three miscarriages, we welcomed our baby boy into the world. The first twelve weeks of his life passed in a blur of not sleeping, not feeding properly and screaming constantly, not sleeping more than 20 minutes at a time.
Dozens of Specialists, hospital stays and testing consumed the first four years of his life, resulting finally in a diagnoses of Slow Transit Constipation, Compensated Hydrocephalus and an IQ in the Superior range with all the giftedness traits that accompany this, including high functionality, anxieties and social/emotional development delays.
So my learning journey began. I watched and held my breath while our boy had and recovered from brain surgery, leant more about Bowel function than I ever wanted to know as we navigated the Royal Children’s Hospital Bowel clinic, and discovered what 2e meant and how the parenting books didn’t come close to covering it.
Then in 2010 I fell pregnant again, triplets this time, the first two we never got to meet and Anton, the only surviving triplet, passed away in his Dad’s arms on Father’s Day.
I decided then, if I could help just one other Mother through her journey along this path we find ourselves in, then that is what I have been given these lessons and experiences for.
Coaching appealed to me as it is not about telling people what to do, it is about moving people forward, giving them the tools to discover and pursue their dreams, helping them to form a plan, and helping them to stay confident and motivated while they put that plan into action. So I found the best Life Coach in Australia and studied with him and became one of his Ultimate Coach Professionals.
Connecting with clients and all of the new colleagues I have met on my Coaching journey has shown me that through adversity and challenge you have two choices, to become a victim or to grow.
Never let what happens to you define you, choose how to define yourself!
I thank Katrina so much for helping, guiding, protecting and challenging me.
Even if I didn’t feel I had achieved anything Katrina was always able to highlight and remind me of my successes relative to my goals.
I feel more confident in my convictions and know that I too have a voice that deserves to be heard.
How can I help you?
As a Parent Coach my relationship with you is one of trust, compassion and confidentiality. My passion is working with mothers of children with challenges stemming from neurodevelopmental differences including but not limited to those being on the autism spectrum, Gifted, 2e (twice exceptional), ADHD, sensory processing challenges and learning differences: Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalcula and Dysnomia.
Through coaching we will work together to highlight your particular needs and areas of parenting struggles, including: triggers and frustrations, time management and household organisation, setting boundaries and limits, strengthening family connections, self-care, self-esteem and self-worth and conditioned belief systems.
We will work together through five areas of coaching with the support of YOU being the foundation in each. Your self-esteem and self-care is my top priority.
Moving Through Guilt
The Family
Support & Structure
Medical & Professional Support
Education and Advocacy
I’ve stood where you stand, let me support you in creating a beautiful, fulfilling life for you and your family
Let me get into the hole with you, I’ve been there, I know how to get out and I won’t let you do it alone.
Let me be your companion on this journey to discovery, and walk beside you as you navigate this new world.
Our children are unique and beautiful and we want the World to experience their many and varied talents and gifts.
Awards & Recognition

In 2020 I was a Finalist in the Aus Mumpreneur Awards in both the Leadership and Making a Difference categories.
I was also honoured to win a Gold Stevie at the International Business Awards.

Connect with me for a private, no obligation conversation
© Katrina Wurm 2020
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